Chem-MAP® certifies 10,655 chemical formulations to ZDHC standard.

ZDHC Chemical Formulations certified to ZDHC standard.


ZDHC Chemical Formulations certified to ZDHC V2.0 standard.


This figure is set to rise as more companies come onboard the Chem-MAP ZDHC  Certification programme.

The Chem-MAP programme works with chemical manufacturers on gaining ZDHC MRSL V2.0 Conformance Levels 1, 2  or 3.

Chemical formulations are listed on the ZDHC Gateway and show certification of ZDHC Conformance  level achieved.


Chem-MAP Approved Partner Programme

Chemical Manufacturers Chem MAP Stamp Chemical Final 01

Upon completion of the programme, the chemical manufacturer will also be able to use the Chem-MAP Approved Partner Stamp as recognition of their commitment to responsible chemical management.

Speak to one of our consultants about how Chem-MAP ZDHC Certification programme can help your company:

Chem-MAP is an approved ZDHC certifier and testing laboratory.

Vegan Trademark Registration with The Vegan Society and BeVeg

Vegan Apparel and Footwear Testing


The Vegan Society

The Vegan Society Logo

The  Vegan Verification Testing programme for the apparel and footwear sector has been registered with The Vegan Society’s Vegan Trademark.

The Vegan Society registered verification test will give manufacturers, brands, retailers, and consumers the reassurance that vegan product claims have been validated, and the materials used to develop the product have no trace of animal derivatives.

The Vegan Trademark will be awarded to those companies who successfully meet verification criteria for all product components.




BeVEG Logo


The Eurofins | Chem-MAP testing programme is approved and listed with US-based company BeVeg, as a robust way of verifying products, materials and chemicals as vegan.

BeVeg is the world’s only ISO accredited vegan technical standard, trademark and program, which makes it the most reliable vegan trademark claim on the global marketplace. BeVeg brings uniform applicability and well-defined standards that meet consumer expectations when reviewing a vegan label.  BeVeg is an ISO/IEC 17065 accredited certification standard built in accordance with ISO/IEC 17067 as a conformity assessment programme and accredited by the National Accreditation Centre (NAC)

Speak to a member of our consultancy team for more information:


Telephone: +44 (0) 1604 679999 or complete the webform below.


Lanxess – Chem-MAP® Multi-site Award

Lanxess logo chemical barrels

On the road to ZDHC Level 3 conformance across multiple production sites, leading speciality chemical company LANXESS is the first to enter into the Chem-MAP® Multi-site Award, through completion of the Chem-MAP® programme.

After the successful completion of on-site Chem-MAP® management audits, at both their Leverkusen (Germany) and Changzhou (China) sites, coupled with a thorough MRSL testing programme, LANXESS have successfully achieved ‘Advanced Status’ in the Chem-MAP® Multi-site Award and ZDHC Level 3 conformance of the chemicals manufactured at these production sites.

With ongoing audits of additional manufacturing plants planned for 2019, LANXESS continues to demonstrate their commitment to responsible chemical management, ZDHC objectives the Chemical Gateway.

The Chem-MAP® team congratulate LANXESS on their ongoing success and look forward to continuing to support them on their chemical verification journey.


Chem-MAP® Multi-site Award

Chemical manufacturers with multiple sites who complete two or more c-MAP chemical management audits are entitled to receive the Chem-MAP® Multi-site Award, which is the second module within the Chem-MAP® programme. Each production facility is awarded a grade using a credit based-system ranging from ‘Grade A’ to ‘Grade D’. Grades from the completion of chemical management audits at additional sites and credits from the remainingChem-MAP® programme modules influence the overall score; the Chem-MAP® Multi-site Award status. This ranges across four levels from ‘Engaged’ to ‘Leader’.


Talk about chemical management audits with a chemical expert

If you are interested to learn more about chemical management audits or the Chem-MAP® Multi-site Award, please let us know: or call +44 (0) 1604 679999.